Vintage Market Days was in St. Louis this weekend and I got to spend a few hours checking it out with Patty from P.W. Designs and my girlfriend Megan.
I wanna share some of the pretty things I saw and I wanted to take more pictures but my hungry and crying baby had other plans!
I was able to get a few pictures.....
The market was in the country at an old barn. The barn was huge! To give
you an idea, this picture was taken standing in the middle of the barn.
The booth to the right belongs to Nicole from Rescued Furnishings. Super cute stuff!!
I wanted to say hi to a few other blogger's that I follow but Baby Millie had me a little frazzled so I didn't get to make all the rounds. I did make sure to say hi to Rachel from Shades of Blue Interiors. She had the best spot in the barn. When you walked in she was the first booth you saw.
All she had left was this set of chairs and table and Union Jack bed.
Here are a few more pretty things she had in her space.
I asked Rachel if I could take a picture of her for this blog post and she said we should take one together. Note to self: wear a little eye make-up for possible photo op's! Perhaps some lip gloss.
Millie is in awe of her work too!
Here are some other pretty things at the market.

When I saw this old table I loved the aging of the paint. I was taking pictures from the side and I saw a barrel underneath it.
It's an old flour table. See the built-in cutting board above the drawer?
The tag says Possum Belly Dough Table.
The tag says Possum Belly Dough Table.
The weather was perfect and the crowds weren't bad since we went on the last day.
Who knows, I might be sharing photos of my booth with you year!